►Nallocate_strong_rc_esft_test | |
CX | |
►Nallocate_strong_rc_test | |
CX | |
►Nallocator | |
Cstack_allocator_malloc | Memory allocator this allocator will maintain buffer using malloc/free function |
Cstack_allocator_memory | Memory allocator this allocator will return address of specified memory section |
Cstack_allocator_pool | Memory allocator this allocator will maintain buffer using malloc/free function |
Cstack_allocator_posix | Memory allocator this allocator will create buffer using posix api and protect it |
Cstack_allocator_split_segment | Memory allocator this allocator will create buffer using gcc split segment api |
Cstack_allocator_windows | Memory allocator this allocator will create buffer using windows api and protect it |
►Ncore | |
Cstandard_new_allocator | |
►Ndetail | |
Ctask_action_functor_check | |
Ctask_manager_node< task< TCO_MACRO > > | |
Ctask_timer_node | |
Ctest_manager_tls_block_t | |
Ctickspec_t | |
Ctopological_sort_object_t | |
►Ndetails | |
Calign_helper | |
Calign_helper_inner< N1, N2, false > | |
Calign_helper_inner< N1, N2, true > | |
►Nfcontext | |
Cfcontext_t | |
Cfp_t | |
Cstack_t | |
Ctransfer_t | |
►Nfuture | |
C_make_result_instance_helper< TRESULT, false > | |
C_make_result_instance_helper< TRESULT, true > | |
Ccompact_storage< T, ::std::shared_ptr< T > > | |
Ccompact_storage< T, LIBCOPP_COPP_NAMESPACE_ID::memory::strong_rc_ptr< T > > | |
Ccompact_storage< T, std::unique_ptr< T, small_object_optimize_storage_deleter< T > > > | |
Ccompact_storage_selector | |
Ccompact_storage_selector< void > | |
Cdefault_compact_storage | |
Cfuture | |
Cpoll_storage_base | |
Cpoll_storage_base< T, std::unique_ptr< T, small_object_optimize_storage_deleter< T > > > | |
Cpoll_storage_base< void, std::unique_ptr< void, small_object_optimize_storage_deleter< void > > > | |
Cpoll_storage_ptr_selector | |
Cpoll_storage_ptr_selector< void > | |
Cpoller | |
Cresult_base< TOK, TERR, false > | |
Cresult_base< TOK, TERR, true > | |
Cresult_type | |
Csmall_object_optimize_storage_deleter | |
►Ngsl | |
►Ndetail | |
Cis_specialized_span_convertible | |
Cis_specialized_span_convertible< span< T, EXTENT > > | |
Cis_specialized_span_convertible< std::array< T, N > > | |
Cis_specialized_span_convertible< T[N]> | |
►Ndetails | |
Cis_comparable_to_nullptr | |
Cis_comparable_to_nullptr< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_convertible< decltype(std::declval< T >() !=nullptr), bool >::value >::type > | |
C_make_span_value_type | |
Cnot_null | |
Cspan | |
Cspan< T, dynamic_extent > | |
Cstrict_not_null | |
►Nimpl | |
Ctask_action_impl | |
►Ctask_impl | |
Cext_coroutine_flag_t | |
►Nmake_strong_rc | |
CX | |
►Nmemory | |
C__rc_ptr_counted_data_base | |
C__rc_ptr_counted_data_default | Template class definition for reference-counted |
C__rc_ptr_counted_data_inplace | Template class definition for reference-counted.(inplacement) |
C__rc_ptr_counted_data_inplace_alloc | Template class definition for reference-counted with allocator.(inplacement) |
C__rc_ptr_counted_data_with_deleter | Template class definition for reference-counted with deletor |
C__rc_ptr_counted_data_with_deleter_allocator | Template class definition for reference-counted with deletor and allocator |
►C__strong_rc_counter | |
C__not_alloc_shared_tag | |
C__not_alloc_shared_tag< __strong_rc_default_alloc_shared_tag< Y > > | |
C__not_alloc_shared_tag< __strong_rc_with_alloc_shared_tag< Y > > | |
C__strong_rc_default_alloc_shared_tag | |
C__strong_rc_ptr_compare_common_type | |
C__strong_rc_ptr_compare_common_type< T1, T2, false > | |
C__strong_rc_ptr_compare_common_type< T1, T2, true > | |
C__strong_rc_with_alloc_shared_tag | |
C__weak_rc_counter | |
Callocated_ptr | Non-standard RAII type for managing pointers obtained from allocators |
Ccompat_strong_ptr_function_trait< compat_strong_ptr_mode::kStl > | |
Ccompat_strong_ptr_function_trait< compat_strong_ptr_mode::kStrongRc > | |
Ccompat_strong_ptr_type_trait | A simple helper trait class to switch between strong_rc_ptr and std::shared_ptr |
Cenable_shared_rc_from_this | |
Cintrusive_ptr | |
Cstrong_rc_ptr | A std::shared_ptr replacement that is more lightweight and do not use atomic operation for reference counting |
Cstrong_rc_ptr_access | Base class to mantain all shared APIs |
Cstrong_rc_ptr_access< T, false, true > | A helper class that used to access internal APIs for void type |
Cstrong_rc_ptr_access< T, true, false > | |
Cweak_rc_ptr | A std::weak_ptr replacement that is more lightweight and do not use atomic operation for reference counting |
►Nnostd | |
C__enable_nonnull | |
C__enable_nullability_unknown | |
C__enable_nullable | |
C__is_nullability_compatible | |
C__is_nullability_compatible< T, void_t< typename T::nullability_compatible_type > > | |
C__is_nullability_support | |
C__is_nullability_support< std::shared_ptr< T > > | |
C__is_nullability_support< std::unique_ptr< T, Deleter... > > | |
C__is_nullability_support< T * > | |
C__is_nullability_support< T U::* > | |
►Nprint_color | |
CHtmlColor | |
CNoneColor | |
Cprint_style | |
CTermColor | |
CWin32ConsoleColor | |
►Nshared_from_this | |
Cimpl | |
Cimpl2 | |
CV | |
CX | |
CY | |
►Nsp_unique_ptr | |
CX | |
CY | |
CYD | |
►Nstd | STL namespace |
Chash< LIBCOPP_COPP_NAMESPACE_ID::gsl::not_null< T > > | |
Chash< LIBCOPP_COPP_NAMESPACE_ID::gsl::strict_not_null< T > > | |
Chash< LIBCOPP_COPP_NAMESPACE_ID::memory::strong_rc_ptr< T > > | Support std::hash for strong_rc_ptr |
►Nstrong_rc | |
►Nn_access | |
CX | |
►Nn_assignment | |
CA | |
CX | |
CY | |
►Nn_comparison | |
CX | |
CY | |
CZ | |
►Nn_constructors | |
CA | |
Cdeleter3 | |
CX | |
CY | |
►Nn_map | |
CX | |
►Nn_report_1 | |
Cfoo | |
►Nn_report_2 | |
Cdeleter | |
Cfoo | |
►Nn_reset | |
CA | |
CX | |
CY | |
►Nn_spt_abstract | |
CX | |
CX_impl | |
►Nn_spt_another_sp | |
Canother_ptr | |
Cevent_handler | |
Cevent_handler_impl | |
Csmart_pointer_deleter | |
►Nn_spt_array | |
CX | |
►Nn_spt_incomplete | |
Cfile | |
►Nn_spt_intrusive | |
Cintrusive_deleter | |
CX | |
►Nn_spt_pimpl | |
►Cfile | |
Cimpl | |
►Nn_spt_preventing_delete | |
►CX | |
Cdeleter | |
►Nn_spt_shared_from_this | |
Cimpl | |
CX | |
CY | |
►Nn_spt_static | |
Cnull_deleter | |
CX | |
►Nn_static_cast | |
CX | |
CY | |
►Nn_swap | |
CX | |
►Nn_transitive | |
CX | |
►Nn_use_count | |
CX | |
►Nstrong_rc_fn | |
Cnull_deleter | |
►Nstrong_rc_move | |
CX | |
►Ntest | |
Ctest_nostd_type_traits_a | |
Ctest_nostd_type_traits_b | |
►Ntype_traits | |
Cis_shared_ptr | |
Cis_shared_ptr< LIBCOPP_COPP_NAMESPACE_ID::memory::strong_rc_ptr< T > > | |
Cis_shared_ptr< std::shared_ptr< T > > | |
►Nutil | |
►Ncli | |
►Nbinder | |
►Ccmd_option_bind_base | |
Chelp_msg_t | |
►Ccmd_option_bind_param_list | |
Cbuild_args_index | |
Cbuild_args_index< 0, _Index... > | |
Cindex_args_var_list | |
Ccmd_option_bindt | |
Ccmd_option_bindt_cc_caller | |
Ccmd_option_bindt_mf_cc_caller | |
Cmaybe_wrap_member_pointer | |
Cmaybe_wrap_member_pointer< _Tp _Class::* > | |
Cunspecified | |
►Nphoenix | |
Cassign_logic_bool_t | 通用赋值动作 - 设置一个变量为bool值并检查语义 |
Cassign_t | 通用赋值动作 - 设置一个变量值 |
Cinsert_t | 通用赋值动作 - 容器insert操作 |
Cpush_back_t | 通用赋值动作 - 容器push_back操作 |
Cpush_front_t | 通用赋值动作 - 容器push_front操作 |
Cset_const_t | 通用赋值动作 - 设置变量值为某个固定值 |
Cci_char_traits | |
Ccmd_option_bind | |
Ccmd_option_list | |
Ccmd_option_value | |
Cshell_font | |
Cshell_font_style | |
►Cshell_stream | |
Cshell_stream_opr | |
Cstring2any | |
Cstring2any< bool > | |
Cstring2any< char > | |
Cstring2any< int16_t > | |
Cstring2any< int32_t > | |
Cstring2any< int64_t > | |
Cstring2any< std::string > | |
Cstring2any< uint16_t > | |
Cstring2any< uint32_t > | |
Cstring2any< uint64_t > | |
Cstring2any< unsigned char > | |
►Ndetails | |
Cuint64_id_allocator_tls_cache_t | |
►Nlock | |
►Ndetail | |
Cdefault_lock_action | |
Cdefault_read_lock_action | |
Cdefault_read_unlock_action | |
Cdefault_try_lock_action | |
Cdefault_try_unlock_action | |
Cdefault_unlock_action | |
Cdefault_write_lock_action | |
Cdefault_write_unlock_action | |
Catomic_int_type | |
Catomic_int_type< unsafe_int_type< Ty > > | |
Clock_holder | |
Cread_lock_holder | |
Cspin_lock | 自旋锁 |
Cunsafe_int_type | |
Cwrite_lock_holder | |
►Nstring | |
Cint2str_helper | |
Citerator_guard | |
Cuint64_id_allocator | |
►Nweak_rc | |
Cincomplete | |
CX | |
CY | |
CZ | |
►Nweak_rc_ptr_move | |
CX | |
Cbasic_stackful_channel_error_transform< TVALUE, false, false > | |
Cbasic_stackful_channel_error_transform< TVALUE, STATIC_CAST, true > | |
Cbasic_stackful_channel_error_transform< TVALUE, true, false > | |
►Ccoroutine_context | Base type of all stackful coroutine context |
Cjump_src_data_t | |
►Ccoroutine_context_base | Base type of all coroutine context |
Cflag_type | |
Cstatus_type | Status of safe coroutine context base |
Ccoroutine_context_container | Coroutine container contain stack context, stack allocator and runtime fcontext |
CGreeterClient | |
CGreeterServiceImpl | |
Clibcopp_internal_api_set | |
Cmacro_coroutine | |
Cmy_runner | |
Csample_macro_coroutine | |
Cstack_context | |
►Cstack_pool | |
Cconfigure_t | |
Cconstructor_delegator | |
Climit_t | |
Cstack_pool_test_macro_coroutine | |
Cstack_traits | |
Cstackful_channel_context | |
Cstackful_channel_context_base | |
Cstackful_channel_error_transform | |
Cstackful_channel_handle_delegate | |
Cstackful_channel_handle_delegate_hash | |
Cstackful_channel_receiver | |
Cstackful_channel_resume_handle | |
Cstackful_channel_resume_handle< coroutine_context > | |
Cstackful_channel_resume_handle< LIBCOPP_COTASK_NAMESPACE_ID::task< TCO_MACRO > > | |
Cstackful_channel_resume_invoker | |
Cstackful_channel_sender | |
Cstackful_inject_awaitable | |
Cstackful_inject_awaitable< stackful_channel_receiver< TVALUE > > | |
►Ctask | |
Ctask_group | |
►Ctask_action_function | |
Cinvoker | |
Cinvoker< Tz, false > | |
Cinvoker< Tz, true > | |
Ctask_action_functor | |
►Ctask_action_mem_function | |
Cinvoker | |
Cinvoker< Tz, false > | |
Cinvoker< Tz, true > | |
Ctask_data_ptr_selector | |
►Ctask_manager< task< TCO_MACRO > > | Task manager for stackful coroutine task |
Cflag_guard_type | |
Cflag_type | |
Ctest_case_base | |
Ctest_context_base_foo_runner | |
Ctest_context_channel_foo_error_transform | |
Ctest_context_channel_foo_error_transform< int * > | |
Ctest_context_channel_foo_error_transform< int > | |
Ctest_context_channel_foo_runner | |
Ctest_context_channel_this_coroutine | |
Ctest_context_channel_this_coroutine< test_context_channel_coroutine_context_test_type > | |
Ctest_context_private_data_foo_runner | |
►Ctest_manager | |
Cconvert_param | |
Cconvert_param< TL, false > | |
Cconvert_param< TL, true > | |
Cis_numberic | |
Cpick_param | |
Cpick_param< TL, TR, false, true, true > | |
Cpick_param< TL, TR, true, true, false > | |
Ctry_convert_to_string_view | |
Ctry_convert_to_string_view< const char *, CONVERTABLE_TO_SV > | |
Ctry_convert_to_string_view< TVAL, false > | |
Ctry_convert_to_string_view< TVAL, true > | |
Ctest_no_trivial_child_clazz | |
Ctest_no_trivial_parent_clazz | |
Ctest_on_exit_base | |
Ctest_on_start_base | |
Ctest_this_context_rec_runner | |
Ctest_this_context_start_failed_when_running | |
Ctest_this_context_yield_runner | |
Ctest_trivial_clazz | |